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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Jagannatha Hora: Vedic Astrology Software (How to remove unimportant stuff)

see the pic 1. below.


In Vedic Astrology we use 7 planets and 2 shadow bodies only. Mandi, Gulika is important but i dont use it much. (Marked between black rectangle).

I will explain how to remove these things in jagannatha hora .

1. PRESS right click of mouse .
     SELECT :- Select bodies to be shown.


unselect everything except planets and press ok.

now you will see this :-

it therefore becomes much easier to read the chart.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Jagannatha Hora: Vedic Astrology Software LANDING PAGE OR FIRST PAGE.

After successfully installing the software that i presume many of you will be able to accomplish this is how the software's first page looks like.:-


I understand this is all alien to you. Give me the honor to simplify this software for you.


I prefer North Indian style as i am north Indian.

To change the chart to north Indian style follow these instructions.







After selecting chart style and language pic 3 will come up.

Under 'choose chart style' select North Indian (diamond chart)

click ok.

see for yourself the difference in pic 4.


Installing Jagannatha Hora: Vedic Astrology Software

Wow This Astrology software is free and available on the internet. Visit

scroll down until you see DOWNLOAD heading.

Analysis of my hand:- Palmistry

As you can see my right hand, it tells a lot about who i am. Palmists who are visiting my page will be able to clearly see the mounts and lines in these pics.

HEART LINE:- This line is doing fine.
HEAD LINE:-  break in headline
LIFE LINE :- line doing ok.

coming to mounts you will be able to clearly see that my venus mount is flat and.

mount of lower mars:- only 40% developed...

mount of upper mars :- fully developed .

mount of moon :- 60% developed.

sun mount and mercury mounts are just normal.

jupiter mount is excessively large.

I never knew i had fully developed upper mars. last year i visited mr. monga an astrologer from chandigarh...he is also a palmist. he saw my hand in an astrological fair in sec 34. he was the first person to find that i had mount of upper mars . i always felt there was more to me than just jupiter moon sun mercury. i never could place my finger exactly who i was. but mr. monga helped me to find a hidden side of me.

UPPER MARS:-  this type of mars is not aggressive. very protective about family and friends.
will try to avoid confrontations and hates ugly fights. All this does not mean that the person is coward. In fact he is martian by his mental outlook.

i seen lot of people with lower mars double the size of my mount. lower mars when fully developed is very deadly. these type of people wont mind hurting others if they come in their way of their goals

i always wanted venus mount.

never wanted mars mounts .

venus mount i lack. venus mount qualities are much more dazzling than mars mount qualities.Venus mount makes a person sociable and friendly. he is so handsome and good looking all due to venus.
women who have venus mount developed are exceptionally beautiful. venus mount also gives lot of stamina .

i have a sad social life and have no friends. who so ever comes in contact with me gets repulsed soon. all due to lack of venus. i appear hard to others infact i am sensitive inside. 

i seen 90% of men have well developed mount of venus. why i was left in 10% category. i love venus. but i also seen only few have upper mars in hand. so i think its give and take for me.
i loose venus and gain upper mars.

you will be surprised that my left hand has well developed mount of venus. i will post its pics also.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Nakshatra series

Hello readers,

                        I sincerely hope year 2017 is going well for you. I am starting Nakshatra series in which i will explain the results of all 7 planets in various nakshatras. I will be digging deep into the all padas of nakshatras to find out the root personality.