6. What are Transits:-
WE CALCULATE ALL TRANSITS FROM MOON KEEPING EARTH AS THE BASE. Transit of planets as the name suggests is the study of movement of planets in our solar system. All the planets are constantly moving around , they keep on changing places. The sky is divided into zodiac. and group of stars form a particular sign. eg. scorpio. when planet saturn on its journey around the sun enters the constellation of scorpio we will in vedic astrology terminology say saturn has entered the sign of scorpio.
moon sign:- the sign in which your moon was located at birth.
we study transits from your moon sign .
E.g. If you have moon in libra . question arises how to study Transits.
Suppose currently sun is transiting gemini. from your moon sign i.e. libra count till gemini.
I will conclude that sun is transiting 9th house for libra moon signs.
Similarly for all other planets transit is seen from moon. eg. Saturn is in Virgo. Find out transit of Saturn for Libra moon signs. we count again
1. Libra 3. Sagittarius 5. Aquarius 7. Aries 9. Gemini 11.Leo
2. Scorpio 4. Capricorn 6. Pisces 8. Taurus 10. Cancer 12. Virgo
I will conclude that saturn is transiting 12th house for libra moon signs.
Sun is give good results when transiting 3rd, 6th, 10th, 11th houses from Moon
Moon give good results when transiting 1st, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th houses from itself.
Mars give good results when transiting 3rd, 6th and 11th house from Moon.
Mercury give good results when transiting 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th 10th and 11th house from Moon.
Jupiter give good results when transiting 2nd , 5th, 7th, 9th , 11th house from Moon.
Saturn give good results when transiting 3rd 6th 11th house from Moon.
Venus give good results when tranisting 1st , 2nd , 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th house from Moon.
Rahu and Ketu give good results when transiting 3rd , 6th 11th house from Moon.
so we can say that transits are very important. as we see which planets are favourable for us and when .
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